3 Hurt In East Side Taxi Accident

On March 10, 2016 CBS News reported that three people were injured when a taxi jumped a curb on the East Side. “The taxi climbed the curb and struck a building at First Avenue and 33rd Street at around 8:45 a.m. Witnesses say the cab ran through a red light and smashed into the building. The cab driver and two pedestrians were hurt.”
Anyone who has been injured in an auto accident has unique challenges to overcome and each and every client deserves special individualized attention. This is true in all motor vehicle accidents, especially so when a taxi is involved. Immediately following an accident, there are several things you should do. The actions you take at the scene of any accident are of utmost importance in determining the course of your personal injury litigation. First and foremost, check on injuries of all involved, including yourself. Call 911 for immediate medical attention and summon the police to the accident scene. Wait for emergency help to arrive and do not move anyone in the meantime.
You should exchange information with everyone involved. Get the names, addresses, vehicle information, license plates, and insurance information from all drivers involved and from anyone who identifies himself or herself as a witness. Gather as much information as possible even if others involved are uncooperative. Use your cell phone to take photographs or video of the scene of the accident and the damage to and the position of the vehicles. Do not leave the scene until the police arrive and be sure to give the police your information as the accuracy of a police report in such a circumstance is crucial to your claim.
Extreme care must be taken to avoid saying anything at the scene that could later be interpreted as an admission of fault. Even an apology uttered during this stressful time can be twisted into an admission of liability by an insurance company lawyer. By the same token, listen carefully to what others say and write down anything important as soon as possible.
Most importantly, take care of yourself. If you are in any pain, go to a hospital, urgent care center or other health care provider as soon as possible. Report all the physical complaints you have and be sure to advise your health care providers that your injuries arose from a motor vehicle accident. Your injuries may not be apparent right away so be aware of any signs or symptoms in the days following an accident and be sure to seek medical care even if it is days after the accident.
If you or a loved one has been in an accident involving a taxi, contact O’Dwyer & Bernstien. Our experienced attorneys will assist you with your no fault claim, assess your injury claim and vigorously protect your rights against the insurance companies for the vehicles involved. If you are contacted by the taxi company or its insurance company do not speak with them as they are attempting to protect their interests only, not yours. Our office will handle all contact with the insurance companies for the vehicles involved and will take every step to advance your claim and protect your rights. Call O’Dwyer & Bernstien for a free consultation at 800 471-2402.